

Xanthelasma has yellow appearance and contains cholesterol pocket underneath the skin.

It appears around the eyelids and the size can vary from a very small to one inch.

This skin disorder can be safely and effectively treated with electrolysis.
The cause of Xanthelasma is not exactly known, it indicates metabolism disturbance and can be caused by several disorders.

The treatment is performed with the small probe the size of the eyelash. While the energy released, slightly stinging sensation may be experienced.

Electrolysis treatment will reduce the blemish in size, will flatten it to the skin level, but the colour will remain unchanged. This skin disorder may require additional treatments.

In between the treatments it is advisable to use Witch Hazel Gel and Aloe Vera Gel - these products are very effective in cooling skin tissues and have an antiseptic effect on the skin.

Prices for Xanthelasma treatment (Advanced Cosmetic Procedures):
15 min - £60 
30 min - £80 
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